Friday, June 1, 2012

Will Middlebrooks Is FN May Player O' Month

Greg M. Cooper/US Presswire
It isn't often that the editors of FenwayNation name a rookie as one of our Players O' The Month. But this year, the meteoric rise of third baseman (and perhaps soon-to-be shortstop) Will Middlebrooks has allowed him to easily make the grade.

Will Middlebrooks is the clear choice for FenwayNation May 2012 Player O' The Month.

During May, the rookie played in 24 games, hitting a robust .316—with 6 Home Runs and 21 RBIs. He slugged at a .579 pace and brought home an impressive OPS of .922. Congratulations to Will Middlebrooks, FenwayNation's May 2012 Player O' The Month.