Friday, June 1, 2012

Special Offer On Premium Red Sox Headphones

UPDATE: Headphones won by Twitter handle @RealNickyV

From time to time, FenwayNation is offered a first look at a number of products and services related to the Olde Towne Team. But we got very excited when BiGR Audio offered us the opportunity to try out Special Edition, Red Sox-themed BiGR Audio headphones.

Now, there are headphones and there are headphones. And for those of us who thought standard issue ear buds were a pleasurable listening experience—let's just say you have not heard music until you've tried it with studio-quality headphones like these.

Not only do you get to look very cool with your Red Sox-emblazoned phones (which we recommend taking on flights to New York), but you experience astounding sound quality. You hear riffs you didn't know existed, voices you never thought were there, and a general acoustic "surround sound" that is a revelation. On top of all this, these phones have great noise-cancelling capabilities.

Now, the best news. Thanks to an exclusive arrangement with BiGR Audio, we are able to offer FenwayNation readers a deep discount on the purchase of these headphones. 

Go to this SPECIAL LINK, and enter the Promo Code "FenwayNation", and you will get a $70 discount on the cost of these amazing Red Sox headphones. That's $70 off the $199.00 price—just $129.00 for FenwayNation readers only!

Also, BiGR Audio and FenwayNation will be holding a Twitter-based contest giving away a pair of these Red Sox headphones later today. Just follow @bigraudio and retweet a link to this post to enter.  Include the hashtag "#FenwayNationGiveaway". Good luck!