Wednesday, May 16, 2012

'Sink-Hole Ocho' Running At The Mouth Again

Daniel Shirey-US PRESSWIRE
OK, truth be told, we'd still rather have Jonathan Papelbon at the back of the Red Sox bullpen. Love him or hate him, he was arguably the second-best closer in baseball over the last five years. Now, we have Crapshoot City at the end of games—and no good walk-on music to boot.

And yet, every time Papelbon has opened his mouth since departing Beantown, he seems to insert his size 12 foot (remember him calling us stupid baseball fans?). Latest case in point: his expressed desire to gain "bragging rights" over the Carmine Hose in the upcoming series in Philly. By the way, he's 10-for-10 so far in save opportunities in 2012.