Saturday, May 5, 2012

'Sink-Hole De Mayo' Found On Yawkey Way

Sink-Hole De Mayo On Yawkey Way
With each successive loss to teams we should be beating (8-2 today to Baltimore), the picture becomes clearer and clearer: this is a bad baseball team. In almost every element of the game, the Red Sox are below average. This is not a good prescription for the kind of recovery we saw in 2011 (before Black September, of course). Today, savior-in-waiting Aaron Cook held his own for a while—until he got a deep spike gash on his leg on a play at the plate (that should have been handled by Salty). After that, the deluge. The Orioles offense scored 8 runs before Boston knew what hit them. A feeble two-run "comeback" was way too little too late. If the 15-9 Yankee embarrassment was "rock bottom", this is "deep, stable geologic formation" bottom. Our $175,249,119 boys are 11-15 and buried in the AL East cellar. The tragedy is that there is no foreseeable solution to this mess.