Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Papi Goes On Respect Rant After Big Sox Win

FenwayNation PhotoIllustration
During last night's game, David Ortiz ignited the rally that led to a thrilling 8-6 comeback victory over the (begin chortling here) first-place Orioles of Baltimore. After the game, Big Papi went on an extended rant about not being 'respected' by the media and ownership as a 'leader' on the team. Huh?  Is there anyone more universally respected by fans and the press in this town than Papi? And is anyone else—with the possible exception of Pedroia—viewed as a team leader? When asked about the alleged players-only meeting he called on May 11th, Ortiz bristled and snapped: "Who told you about that meeting?"

Holy SnitchGate II, Batman! He then went on a long, somewhat convoluted, discussion of how some guys are perceived as leaders because they are "diving for balls" or "calling pitches behind the plate". We've never claimed to be rocket scientists here at FenwayNation, but if those aren't veiled references to Pedroia and Varitek, then we're Werner Von Braun (Over Fifty Reference Alert).

Then, Papi morphs into Rodney Dangerfield:

"I don't get no respect. Not from the media. Not from the front office. What I do is never the right thing. It's always hiding, for somebody to find out."

Papi, chill. We all love you, respect you, and (since May 11th) have made you the de facto "leader".