Saturday, April 7, 2012

Beckett And Sox Embarrassed On National TV

Leon Halip/Getty Images
The good news is they can still have a perfect season—just 160 losses to go. The Red Sox turned in a major stinker on Saturday, falling to the Tigers 10-0 on a FOX national broadcast. Josh Beckett (who looked like a guy with a bum thumb) yielded five home runs in 4 2/3 innings in a demoralizing performance. Now, only Clay Buchholz stands in the way of an Passover/Easter sweep at the hands of the Motown Maulers.

There was hardly anything good to point to in this loss, with the possible exception of a Salty double, and two hits each by A-Gon and Sweeney. The defense was shaky, the bullpen was mostly porous and the team seemed as lifeless as they did at the start of the 0-6 April of a year ago.