So, let's see if we have this straight. Bud Selig
did feel comfortable enough to shoe-horn an extra Wild Card team into the playoffs this year—even though the requisite travel day was not available for the Division Series. But
he did not feel comfortable enough to institute expanded replay this year for "trapped balls, fair-or-foul rulings down the lines and fan interference". The reason? Not that we want to inject politics or anything into this,
but it comes down to the refusal of two unions: the umpires and the players. And what would the umpires bargain for in return for expanded replay? The men in blue are actually asking for additional retirement and disability benefits. Unbelievable. So, it's OK to have a lower seeded Wild Card team have
two home games at the start of a Division Series—but heaven forbid we tick off any union members. Nice going, 'Commissioner In Name Only'.