Friday, February 24, 2012

Vincente Padilla's Threat: 'I Start Or I Go'

As HBO's Bill Maher might say: "New Rule: Don't Make A Threat Unless People Care If You Carry Out Your Threat" Enter Vincente Padilla—one of the dozen or so potential fifth starters for the Red Sox. According to, Padilla basically threatened that unless he is a starter, he has no interest in pitching out of the bullpen for the Carmine Hose. So, basically, "I start or I go".

Let's examine Mr. Padilla's standing in the court of public opinion. He is 34 years old. In 13 MLB seasons, he has compiled an ERA of 4.31. He has given up more hits than innings pitched, and sports a WHIP of 1.373. Last year, he pitched a total of 8.2 innings, the year before 95.0 and the year before that, 39.1. That's a grand total of about 143 innings over the last three years.

Now, taken together, these stats are not horrific—in fact, you could argue that they sort of define the quintessential fifth starter. However, we need to factor in the 'temperament' issue—what some have dubbed "The Vincente Padilla Experience". He is infamous for beaning hitters (and brawling afterward), and he even throws an 'eephus' pitch. He was once traded for Curt Schilling (not a disqualifier, but interesting!). He was accidentally shot in the leg in his native Nicaragua. A laugh a minute. No wonder he feels confident about threatening the Red Sox.