"Somebody was trying to save their own ass, and it probably cost a lot of people their asses. The snitching [expletive], that's [expletive]. It's not good. There's two things with the clubhouse thing that I have a problem with: If I'm going to say something about the clubhouse, my name is going to be on it. The second thing is you never want to be remembered as that guy because that will follow wherever you go. It's just mind-boggling to me."
This suggests that the 'snitch' is still on the team—discrediting the theory that Marco Scutaro's odd trade was a sure sign that he was the 'turncoat'. The notion that the squealer is still a member of the Carmine Hose was further reinforced by Bobby Valentine's comments:
“Teams are built on trust, right, and teamwork...So, if there is distrust, I think it eventually would have to be addressed. But in my experience those things usually present themselves. I don’t think you turn the page on it, personally....You work through things, and time’s a great healer but it’s not the only healer. If someone was burned in there, it’s going to take some time for the sting to leave. And it’s probably going to take some actions. I don’t know that they have to be in a meeting forum or caucusing, small groups, big groups. As I say, usually they’ll present themselves and when they do, then you’ll find the true spirit.... And it takes time and possibly, at times, apologies. But apologies come with actions to heal. So, I don’t think we can just (say) ‘OK, we’re going to have a meeting. OK, forget it, and now we’re turning the page. That’s it. It’s over.’"
This is definitely not over.