Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hanley's Switch To Third Still An Issue

Hey, maybe the Red Sox shortstop conundrum will be solved after all! Former Sox prospect and perennial MVP candidate Hanley Ramirez has still not accepted his move to third base to accommodate Jose Reyes. According to a report in the Miami Herald, Ramirez 'cold-shouldered' press inquiries on the topic and manager Ozzie Guillen virtually confirmed the controversy is still hot. We have said for a long time that this is not going to be pretty in Miami. BenCher should take advantage of this situation and press for a deal that would bring the prodigal shortstop back to Boston. Of course, we'd have to deal with his mercurial personality. For example, here's his response to questions about the third-base move: "I don't have nothing to say." Neither don't we.