Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Extra Wild Card Teams Officially On For '12

Major League Baseball will announce that there will be one extra Wild Card team in each league—starting this year. The pool of playoff teams will thus expand from eight to ten. While this waters down the value of each Wild Card slot, putting a premium on winning divisions is a major plus with this new system. Of course, next year, when the Astros move to the AL and both leagues have three divisions of five teams each, the real travesty will emerge—inter-league play every day of the regular season. This means that AL teams—playing many more inter-league games—will have the DH de-valued. If we had a real Commissioner, he would order the NL to accept the DH and, literally, level the playing field. But, we have Bud Selig.

(Photo Credit: FenwayNation Photo Illustration)