Thursday, January 5, 2012

New York "Psychic" Predicts Empire Surge

You've got to love the New York Post. The tabloid recently published an article featuring the moronic meanderings of three "psychics" regarding 2012 predictions for current events, celebrities and sports. One of these 'rocket scientists', a former astrology writer named Frank Andrews, has some pretty good news for the Bronx Embalmers. Says Andrews:

“I feel that the Yankees will rise up this year. They’re going to prove to everyone, ‘We’re OK, and we’re back in the saddle.’ ”

Should this strike fear into the hearts of The Nation? Well, the Post says that Andrews "has delivered readings to clients like Princess Grace, John Lennon and Yoko Ono". Hey, two out of three ain't bad. I wonder if Andrews foresaw A-Fraud getting his vampiric blood-spinning treatments in the Black Forest of Germany? Stay tuned, FenwayNation has spared no expense in engaging our own psychic. Look for her Sox-related insights soon!