Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Solstice: Still No Theo Compensation

On October 12th, ESPN's Buster Olney reported that the deal was done for Theo Epstein to become the President of Baseball Operations for the Chicago Cubs. Theo officially resigned and took the new post on October 21st—two full months ago. And yet, Boston has not received any compensation for that move (aside from a goofy promise that Theo won't hire away any more Boston staff for three years). Remember Bud Selig's threat to unilaterally intervene if the two sides couldn't agree by the Winter Meetings? Where's Bud? And, as the Cubs start seriously talking about trades—wouldn't some of the pieces they'd be dealing potentially be of interest to the Red Sox? What the heck is going on? BenCher has recently poo-pooed the whole fiasco as an unimportant sidelight to the bigger issues both teams have to address. But, this is getting ridiculous. The Red Sox should demand adequate compensation by year's end or specifically ask Bud to make it happen.