Monday, December 12, 2011

Three In Ten Say Sox Will Miss Playoffs

The final results to a recent FenwayNation POLL, show that fully three in ten readers (30%) think the Red Sox will miss the playoffs for the third consecutive year. On the flip side, 23.8% think the Carmine Hose will win the AL East out-right and the plurality (46.3%) believe the team will nab a Wild Card spot (under the assumption that there will be two of those this year).

In case you think this is somehow good news for the NOG, consider the results to a similar poll at this time last year. Back ten, 98.8% thought the Sox would make the post-season (28.8% more than feel that way this year), and only 0.4% thought they'd miss the post-season (29.6% less than feel that way this year). Looks like selling the Centennial of a cramped, obstruction-ridden ballpark is not going to be all that easy.