As we have suggested before, it looks more and more like we are being set up for "Bridge Year Three". Listening to
MLB Network Radio this morning, First Pitch host Jim Memolo made a brilliant analogy to what the Nation is probably facing in 2012. He outlined his idea of "Shemp" deals—baseball transactions that disappoint a fan base that's expecting "Curly" deals. You know, when you were a kid (and maybe even later, you can admit it), when you turned on the Stooges and up came the familiar intro theme, and then—oh no, a Shemp episode! Everybody knows only Curly episodes are any good.
Same thing with the off-season moves of your Carmine Hose—so far at least. Yeah, there was a little titillation with the announcement that Bobby Valentine will be the new sheriff in town. But other than that—Andrew Miller? Two minor league signings? The loss of one of the best closers in baseball? Definitely 'Shemp'. To strain another analogy, it's sort of been a Peggy Lee off-season, too. You know— "Is That All There Is"?