More and more, signals are being sent out from
Yawkey Way that the Red
Sox will be going on the cheap in 2012. Just what an irate fan base needs after
BlackSeptember 2011, right? Watch for the code words coming out of Dallas: the team needs to "reset" after many years spending over the tax threshold; the roster has a "strong core" that will allow it to compete without adding costly new players; the team is "studying" the impact of the new
CBA. No matter how it's phrased, it amounts to another "Bridge Year". What the
NOG doesn't seem to understand is that the natives are beginning to get restless. If it's perceived that the Forbes List Billionaire is more concerned with adding high-priced strikers (whatever the hell they are) to the Liverpool roster, there will be consequences. In any event, keep an ear out for those '
el-cheapo' code words during the Winter Meetings—along with no big moves.