Thursday, December 29, 2011
The Politics Of Baseball—Sort Of, Kind Of
As we await the dropping of the next shoe (hopefully) on Yawkey Way, it's important to find other baseball-related items with which to Occupy Our Minds (not to be confused with the 'you-know-what' movement). Speaking of politics, as we await the 'Hawkeye Cauci' on Tuesday, we were delighted by a column by Summer Anne Burton on Fangraphs.com. The piece focuses on various baseball-related activities by some of the presidential contenders. Ron Paul (pictured), Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and President Barack Obama are highlighted in the article. By the way, Ron Paul is the only person to ever hit a home run over the fence at a Congressional baseball game. By the way, is it me, or does Ron Paul bear a striking resemblance to former Red Sox catcher Bob Montgomery—at least in this picture?