Evil Ones are reportedly bluffing their interest in right-hander Hiroki Kuroda to jack up the price the Red Sox will have to pay for the free agent. The Empire is using the same excuse as the NOG for not going after certain players—the luxury tax threshold. Both franchises are acting like they've never heard of the luxury tax before, a lame effort at best that's fooling no one. An actual quote from a Yankee source states, "We simply don't have the money to pay him.'' The Boss is surely spinning. The 37-year old Kuroda will likely cost Boston around $12 million—the jock-strap budget for Liverpool. The ruse that the Red Sox have made huge pick-ups in January will start to lose currency once January actually rolls around on Sunday. Boston needs a fourth starter—spare me the Bard/Aceves talk. Bard can be a good fifth starter—assuming the big three and a Kuroda-type are pitching well.