Sunday, December 11, 2011

As Predicted, Sox Start Crying Poor-Mouth

As we predicted back on December 6th, the 'poor-mouth' storyline is beginning to emerge from Yawkey Way. The Gobe's Nick Cafardo reports that "the purse strings are getting tighter" at Fenway due to fear of abrogating the dreaded $178 million Luxury Tax threshold for 2012 salaries. What a scam. It's apparently OK for the Forbes List Billionaire to spend $475 million for a soccer team in England and then throw $175 million more at Liverpool player acquisitions. So, $650 Million to dabble in The World's Most Boring Sport, but austerity when it comes to—for example—getting a decent closer for your Carmine Hose. That's just too much strain on Ichabod's wallet.