Monday, October 10, 2011

Cafe' Escapo Lucchino?

The Alice in Wonderland vibe surrounding your Boston Red Sox got even curiouser over the weekend. According to SI's Jon Heyman—who on Friday assured us that Theo was staying put—Epstein was spotted at a Chicago Starbucks over the weekend.

Also on Friday, Forbes List Billionaire John Henry and Larry Lucchino did their best Alphonse and Gaston routine—denying any knowledge of the Cubs' request to meet with Theo. They were about as convincing as Captain Renault as he collected his winnings from Rick's.

So, one has to assume that, if Theo is meeting with Cubs owner Tom Ricketts, he's being offered the $5 million a year for five years. Why would Theo turn that down? So he can continue his Clash of the Titans struggle with Lucchino? Not bloody likely. All of a sudden, the 'challenge' of erasing another curse would seem quite lucrative.