Friday, September 2, 2011

Ted Stamp Approved!

It was a long time coming, but the U.S. Postal Service today approved a Ted Williams stamp—to be joined in a series with stamps for Larry Doby, Willie Stargell and Joe DiMaggio.

Thousands of fans from around the world helped in the effort to get this stamp approved, but none more than Bruce Donahue—past president of the BoSox Club. He deserves the lion's share of credit for persevering through all the ups and downs of the approval process. Congratulations, Bruce!

Also, a quick thanks to all the readers of FenwayNation who took the time to sign the petition we posted supporting the stamp effort. Over a thousand signatures were gathered and sent to the Postal Service.

Most importantly, a great Red Sox player and a great American is finally being honored with a commemorative stamp.