Between now and about 4PM on Wednesday, we may know a lot more about your Boston Red Sox and how they will position themselves for the post-season. Within a roughly 24 hour period, they will battle the seemingly fading Rays three times and face James Shields (1:05 PM Tuesday), Jeff Niemann (7:10 PM Tuesday) and David Price (1:35 PM Wednesday) in the process. Not an easy task. The good guys will run out John Lester (wild again for some unknown reason), Erik Bedard (still a conundrum) and John Lackey (need I say more?).
If the Red Sox are swept, they will likely be mired in second place, since the Empire will enjoy three cupcake games against the Royals. Moreover, if the Rays can take three at Fenway, they may actually believe they are back in the Wild Card race.
So, this will not be your typical mid-August series of Dog Day Afternoons. Let's hope we don't hear Joe Maddon yelling "Attica!" come Wednesday evening.