Thursday, July 28, 2011

Royale With Cheese

At the risk of (once again) offending the legion of John Lackey supporters out there, the Red Sox offense covered up another "just OK" performance by the right-hander last night. Hey, the facts are the facts. After falling behind 3-0 in the first, Lackey was immediately rescued by back-to-back jacks by Ellsbury and Pedroia.

The inevitable double-digit run total was achieved later on Papi's ninth career grand slam—which also resulted in his 1,000th Red Sox RBI. The Sox ended up winning, 12-5.

Lackey ended up going 5 2/3 innings, giving up 11 hits and 3 earned runs—including two home runs. I don't know, are we way out of line for suggesting that this is probably not 5 year/$82.5M territory?

To the anonymous reader who gets upset with our Lackey criticisms: please send in your defense and we will gladly publish it under your name.