Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Empire Sullies Fenway's 100th

Granted it's a network executive's dream: the Yankees invading Fenway on the exact date of its 100th birthday (April 20, 2012). But, is that how we want to celebrate the centennial of 'America's Most Cramped Ballpark?' Hell, no!

Any of the other twelve AL teams would be fine, but not the Evil Ones! They should not be allowed to defile the creaking, yet Grand Olde Lady with their vile presence.

So, Bud Selig and his coven of schedule-making geeks have already made two blunders for the 2012 season. First, they put the All-Star Game in Kansas City instead of the obvious choice of the 100-year old Fenway; and now they allow the desecration of that same sacred ground by denizens of the Bronx. Shame.