Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Red Flag Rising On Pedroia?

Just when you thought it was safe to poke your head out from under the 4-foot snowdrift in your driveway and peer toward Fort Myers (Punxsutawney Phil-like), here comes potentially unsettling news on Dustin Pedroia. After telling WEEI.com last Thursday that he still feels "discomfort" in his surgically-repaired foot, the issue was big enough that both Theo Epstein and Terry Francona felt the need to address it at last night's Red Sox Town Hall event.

While both were appropriately optimistic that the second baseman and former MVP/ROY would have no restrictions this year, there was an admission that 'El Caballito' was frustrated with the pace of the healing process. Hopefully, this is nothing. We need Pedroia at 100% in the two-hole and at second base to make this team fulfill its destiny.