Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 FenwayNation Calendar

Get the the new 2011 FenwayNation Calendar with exclusive original photographs of Boston's historic Fenway Park. BUY IT HERE.

Beltre May Be Headed To Halos

Memo to Adrian Beltre's likely new Los Angeles/Anaheim teammates:

Do not try to adjust his Halo after he pops a key home run.

If you do, you may be on the DL for the balance of the year. Apparently, the Sons of Mike Scioscia are the prohibitive front-runners for the services of the former Sox third baseman—despite Scott Boras' continued insistance on a 5-year pact. With his options dwindling, Beltre may have to settle for something less, but it's probably going to be in the friendly confines of the "The Big A".

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ozzie's Son Calls Jenks "Punk"

Get ready for some Memorial Day Mayhem. That's the first time the Chicago White Sox come to Boston (May 30th) in the aftermath of the Great Guillen-Jenks Family Feud. White Sox Manager Ozzie Guillen's son, Oney, called new Red Sox reliever Bobby Jenks a "punk" after the latter's comments about Ozzie earlier this week.

How ironic that this would all come to light on the birthday of Craig Grebeck—who toiled for both hose franchises. Oh, the humanity!

Panic In Concrete Park

Severe panic must be setting in at the Concrete Bunker on 161st Street (AKA New Yankee Stadium). Text messages between Andy Pettitte and Mark Teixeira indicate that the lefty may be hanging up the brooding scowl and retiring to his home in Texas. This, of course, would leave the Empire with a rotation that can best be characterized as: "C.C., Hughes & A.J. and pray for a Rain Delay". Laughable, at best.

Former Sox Exec Lajoie Dies

Longtime baseball executive and former Red Sox consultant Bill Lajoie passed away on Tuesday at age 76. He was a prime mover of the Epstein-free trade that sent Hanley Ramirez to the Marlins for Josh Beckett and Mike Lowell.

After Theo's "Gorilla Suit" departure on Halloween of 2005, Lajoie helped run baseball operations on Yawkey Way and—along with Larry Lucchino—pushed for the trade that (arguably) led to the 2007 World Championship. Lajoie was most famous for building the 1984 World Championship Tigers club.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sox Have Competition For Fuentes

Sports Illustrated's Jon Heyman reports that the Red Sox—while still interested in left-handed reliever Brian Fuentes—have some stiff competition (including the Empire).

FN 'Best O' Nation' Media Awards

The Editors of FenwayNation have announced their 2010 "Best O' Nation" Media Awards. The list includes repeat winners Bob Ryan, Dave O'Brien, Jerry Remy, Rob Bradford, and Dan Roche. Some newcomers to the list are Amalie Benjamin of the Globe, Mike Fine of the Patriot-Ledger, and Lou Merloni of WEEI. The Boston Herald was also a repeat winner for its overall Red Sox coverage. View the entire list of BON winners HERE.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Vote On A-Gon's New Nickname

NESN is asking fans to vote on four potential nicknames for new Red Sox first baseman Adrian Gonzalez. One of the names in the voting (Gonner) was suggested by FenwayNation Editor-In-Chief, Ernie Paicopolos.

Please log on to NESN and vote for one of the four names. If the FN choice makes the top two, there will be a runoff, so you may be an integral part of giving our new first baseman a nickname!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

FN Passes 4 Million Hits

FenwayNation has surpassed the 4,000,000 hit mark for the fourth time in the last five years. The Red Sox fan site—founded in January of 2000—draws readers from over 100 countries.

You can visit the main site here.

Thank you to all of our readers worldwide!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pujols Deal Won't Affect A-Gon

The 800-pound gorilla under your Christmas Tree is not Theo Epstein in holiday gear, it's the still un-consummated contract extension for Adrian Gonzalez. Nobody wants to talk about it, but it's the disturbing little detail that could 'ruin your Summah'.

A nasty reminder cropped up today as reports indicate that Gonzalez has "promised" the NOG that any Albert Pujols mega-deal that might happen before the Sox and the slugger have their own Cumbayah moment will not impact his demands. Uh-huh.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jenks Deal Is Finalized

The Red Sox completed their 2-year $12 million deal with Bobby Jenks. As Theo Epstein stated, the Red Sox are happy to have Jenks to—and we quote—"help Daniel Bard set up for Pap".

So, at least until the trading deadline, there will be no closer controversy in Boston.

Sox And Empire Pay Lux Tax

"Parity" thy name is not MLB. Only the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees exceeded Bud Selig's salary guidelines and will therefore make luxury tax payments for 2010. No wonder the Red Sox want to put off Adrian Gonzalez's extension until Opening Day!

Of course, despite the two titans of the AL East being paired in this way, the actual payments are hugely different—the Empire shelling out $18 million and the Sox a relative pittance at $1.5 million.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

POLL: '11 Sox Expectations

Vote in our latest FenwayNation Poll on your mid-offseason expectations for the 2011 edition of the Carmine Hose. VOTE HERE

Monday, December 20, 2010

Captain TODAY

Jason Varitek appeared on NBC's TODAY Show this morning to talk about his charitable efforts. The Red Sox Captain appeared with his three daughters. He was also asked about his favorite no-hitter. The answer? You'll have to go to the story and play the video.

Sox Never A Player On Greinke

According to reports, the Red Sox were never really serious about trading for Zack Greinke. Of course, their rotation (if it performs up to expectations) wouldn't need another starter of Greinke's caliber. The Empire, on the other hand, was skunked again in its pursuit of at least one dependable hurler behind C.C.—not that anyone would ever want to be behind C.C. for any reason.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

SI Rankings List Sox As #1

Sports Illustrated's Offseason Baseball Power Rankings have listed the Red Sox at #1 for 2011. The Evil Ones languish 5 full spots below Boston in lowly 6th position.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sox Sign Jenks To 2-Year Deal

Reports have surfaced that the Red Sox have signed former White Sox closer Bobby Jenks to a 2-year, $12 million deal. This comes after a raft of mediocre bullpen signings. This move will fuel speculation that Jonathan Papelbon is not long for Fenway.

Caballito's Mad Airport Dash

I guess this qualifies as good news. Although, frankly, I'm not so sure. On WEEI's Wednesday Big Show, Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia talked about a recent airport sprint that he says shows his surgically repaired foot is just fine. If you say so, Caballito!

I'll feel much better if it's still OK as he's rounding the bases in April on his first Laser Show trip of the year.

The Three-Year Itch

Red Sox General Manager Theo Epstein has had a few guiding principles over the years that he tends to stick to. One is to never give a reliever a three-year contract. As a rule, that is a very good principle.

But, as Jesse Crain becomes the fourth reliever this off-season to get a three-year contract (along with Benoit, Downs, and Guerrier), it's starting to look like the only way to get quality bullpen arms is to yield on that 3-year principle.

While we're signing the likes of Lenny DiNardo and Matt Albers, other teams are actually improving their relief corps.

Lenny Signed; Squiggy Talks On

The Red Sox announced the return of left-handed reliever Lenny DiNardo. Is it just me, or have we quickly downgraded our quality of deals since the A-Gon/Crawford Era of signings?

Somehow, in the euphoria over our ownership of the Winter Meetings period, all the useful relievers have gone elsewhere. Oh well, Squiggy is holding out for his own personal jet, so I wouldn't count on the full Happy Days reunion in the Boston 'pen.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dodgers Steal Guerrier

You can scratch Matt Guerrier off your Christmas Bullpen wish list. The Dodgers (AKA Red Sox West) nabbed the workhorse righty on Wednesday, denying Boston perhaps the most valuable reliever for their particular need (that is, finding somebody who can consistently bridge to Bard and Papelbon). We did sign a Matt—unfortunately his last name is Albers.

Sox Sign 'Mediocre Matt' Albers

For some reason, the Red Sox signed a forgettable bullpen arm in former Oriole Matt Albers. With a career 5.11 ERA, and 28 more hits than innings pitched, Albers better be way down on Tito's depth chart.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Schilling Sizes Up Sox And Empire

Red Sox hero Curt Schilling matches up the 2011 Red Sox and Yankees position-by-position (with an admitted bias). Sox emerge slightly ahead.

Phils Interested In Mike Cameron

After rumors of a Joe Blanton deal fell through, it is now reported that the Phillies are "kicking the tires" on Mike Cameron. This would make some sense for both sides, since Cameron has become an expensive expendable piece in wake of the Crawford signing and the Phillies could take it more slowly on OF phenom Domonic Brown.

Sox Working On Blanton Deal?

In the wake of Philadelphia swooping in on Cliff Lee, reports have surfaced that they are talking with the Red Sox about a deal that would send their current 5th starter, Joe Blanton, to the Sox. While the deal is not imminent (as was reported earlier this morning), this may be another way of tweaking the Yankees. Clearly, New York has to look for "salary dump" deals like Blanton and Zambrano to avoid shedding top prospects. The Red Sox poking around in one of those has got to gall them no end. Nice going, Theo.

Lee Spurns Empire For Philly

Contrary to earlier reports that he had chosen Texas over New York, Cliff Lee opted for the shadowy 'mystery team' that turned out to be the Philadelphia Phillies. Apparently, Lee left almost $50 million on the table by choosing a 5-year, $100 million deal with the Phillies.

Get set for the joy of watching the Yankees scramble for Carl Pavano or Zack Grienke.

Monday, December 13, 2010

REPORT: Lee To Stay In Texas

If this report is true, it will wrap up the most satisfying off-season in memory. is reporting that the Rangers have been notified by his agents that Cliff Lee has decided to stay in Texas and spurn the Empire.

Evil Ones Push Hard On Martin

ESPN's Buster Olney is reporting that the suddenly desperate Yankees are pushing hard to sign Russell Martin—denying him to the Red Sox and giving them some semblance of success in the off-season.

Sox Zone In On Bullpen

ESPN's Gordon Edes reports that the Red Sox are now focusing on filling in the bullpen behind Papelbon and Bard. On the team's radar are lefty Brian Fuentes, as well as Jesse Crain and Matt Guerrier. Landing two of these three (most especially Fuentes) would go a long way to cutting down on the slew of bullpen meltdowns we saw in 2010.

Rivera Initiated Sox Talks

In a stunning revelation that speaks volumes about dysfunction in the Bronx, WEEI's Rob Bradford reports that Mariano Rivera initiated the contact with the Red Sox over a potential free-agent signing. Previously, it was assumed that the Sox generated the discussion—reflecting a desire to cut loose Jonathan Papelbon this year.

In fact, what this suggests is that Brain Cashman and the 'Steinbo Twins' are totally clueless this offseason. Not only did they disrespect the most honored Yankee of this generation in the Jeter fiasco, but they made Rivera so uncomfortable that he felt he needed to put out feelers to Boston. On top of all this, the Empire may be about to lose their biggest target, Cliff Lee.

There is a Baseball God.

Crawford Was Moved By A-Gon

In addition to the due diligence of the Red Sox brass, Carl Crawford was also impressed by Boston's commitment to Adrian Gonzalez. Clearly, the post-Werth money haul the Red Sox had to offer had an impact as well, but Theo and Tito's visit to Houston clearly had a positive impact as well. The contrast between Boston's bedside manner and that of the Empire is striking this year. And, the results so far speak for themselves.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Crawford Press Conference Sat.

Carl Crawford passed his physical making the 7-year deal official and prompting a news conference Saturday morning at 10 AM to introduce him to Red Sox Nation.

Who Should Lead Off For Sox?

Vote in the latest FenwayNation POLL on who should lead off in the revamped Red Sox lineup: Jacoby Ellsbury, Carl Crawford, Dustin Pedroia, Marco Scutaro, or someone else?


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Merloni: Ryan Offers Lee Moon

According to a tweet by former Red Sox infielder Lou Merloni, sources have told him that Nolan Ryan told Cliff Lee to—essentially—name his price and the Rangers would meet it. This would suggest an even sweeter ending to the Winter Meetings period.

A-Gon Monkey Wrench?

You knew it couldn't be as smooth as it seemed. Adrian Gonzalez felt obliged to state to a Mexican website that there is no agreement in place with the Red Sox on a contract extension. Want an ominous quote? OK, how about this:

"Nothing about that is true. It's false. I haven't signed any contract. We discussed the trade, but we didn't reach any agreement, and we didn't negotiate numbers. The only thing I have for sure is the contract that I had already signed with the Padres, and what I can tell you is that over the course of the season we're going to negotiate to reach an agreement."

Merry Christmas, Nation!

Theo, Ownership Deserve Praise

The Red Sox ownership and Theo Epstein have—figuratively and literally—stepped up to the plate this off-season. Unwilling to endure another "bridge" year (and the ratings and revenue dips that would bring), they have secured two of the best players on the market through trade and free agency. And, in the process, they sacrificed no one from the major league roster.

Your humble scribe has been critical of the NOG often, but I am ordering a full complement of crow this morning. Obviously, the Liverpool expenditure did not hamper them in their efforts to grab two elite players (both offensively and defensively) in Adrian Gonzalez and Carl Crawford. They will be mainstays of this team for many years to come, and it was the financial commitment of this ownership that gave us that. They deserve our thanks today.

Sox Land Carl Crawford

The Red Sox brass stole away from Orlando in the middle of night with the prize of the meeting—Carl Crawford. Reports indicate that the All-Star outfielder agreed to a 7-year, $142-million contract with Boston. The team is now set to seriously contend for another World Championship. All is forgiven.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sox Zoning In On Ordonez

CBS Sports is reporting that the Red Sox are increasingly focusing on Magglio Ordonez as their solution for LF that is not named "Carl Crawford". Our recent FN Poll showed readers favor Ordonez over the other two most often mentioned alternatives—Carlos Beltran and Josh Willingham.

Russel Martin On Way To Hub?

Reports suggest that the pursuit of Dodger catcher Russell Martin (who was non-tendered by Los Angeles) is down to four teams—Boston, the Yankees, Colorado and Toronto. Martin could allow the Sox to send "Salty" back to AAA for more "seasoning" (sorry for the pun). This arrangement would also provide a more experienced catching tandem along with Captain Jason Varitek.

Rib-Gate Redux?

In an interview session at the Winter Meetings in Orlando, Red Sox Manager Terry Francona revealed that center fielder Jacoby Ellsbury has been experiencing back pain again recently. Uh-huh. Could this be the return of Rib-Gate for 2011?

FenwayNation has spoken to sources with knowledge of the situation who say that both sides in this affair still harbor hard feelings from the medical events surrounding Jacoby's two rib-related injuries last year. There is a body of opinion that Ellsbury was treated shall we say "inelegantly" by the Sox medical staff—to say the least.

Don't be surprised if Ellsbury finds his way into a trade package if the Carl Crawford hunt heats up again on Yawkey Way.


Although he is reluctant to deal him, Sox GM Theo Epstein has admitted to fielding trade offers for beleaguered 5th starter Daisuke Matsuzaka. It might just be the right thing to do, allowing Dice-K to revive his career elsewhere. He delivered for Boston in two crucial years—including the 2007 championship run. But he hasn't been able to fully adjust to the more patient hitting styles of major league baseball here in the states.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sox After Trio Of Outfielders

Reports suggest that the Red Sox have their sights on one of three outfield options—Carlos Beltran, Magglio Ordonez or Josh Willingham.

VOTE HERE to register your choice among these three.

Sox Pursuing Carlos Beltran

Peter Gammons is reporting that the Red Sox and Mets are in discussion on a trade that would send Carlos Beltran to Boston. The rumored players going back would center on either Daisuke Matsuzaka or Marco Scutaro.

Bullpen, Bullpen

Theo Epstein's mantra in Orlando will be 'bullpen, bullpen'—trying to fix the most vexing problem (other than injuries) of the 2010 edition of the Boston Red Sox. This is a good thing—slotting in reliable arms behind Daniel Bard and (hopefully) a resurgent Joanthan Papelbon is the single most important agenda item in the 'Post-A-Gon-Acquisition Era'.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Werth Deal Ends Crawford Quest

The outrageous deal signed by Jayson Werth with the Washington Nationals (7 years, $126 million) has had a chilling effect on any chance of the Red Sox pursuing Carl Crawford. Estimates are the more talented Crawford would command upwards of $150 million—a neighborhood the Red Sox do not want to inhabit.

You Can Breathe, Nation

The Nation can breathe a little easier now—although the lack of an extension is still a problem—now that the Sox have formally announced that Adrian Gonzalez is "in the fold". At a somewhat bizarre news conference at Fenway Park, Theo Epstein and John Henry danced around the issue of whether or not they really have the slugging All-Star first baseman for the long term. The implications were clear—they do. But that, and $100, will get you an obstructed view seat.

For his part, Gonzalez was perfect, talking about how he always wanted to be a Red Sox player—and making allusions to another lefty from San Diego, Ted Williams. If Adrian is still in Carmine Hose come April of 2012, all is forgiven.

Hold Your Horses!

ESPN's Buster Olney is tweeting that there is "absolutely no set deal" for Adrian Gonzalez. This could make for a very interesting press conference at 11 AM!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fake Impasse To Save Tax Dollars?

Apparently, the Red Sox are simply delaying the announcement of A-Gon's contract extension to avoid a hit on the luxury tax in 2011 (as outlined by Alex Speier of WEEI). The parameters are reportedly 7 years beyond next year at about $23 million per year. Was this whole ruse really necessary? It makes the Sox look bad and puts fans through the ringer for no good reason.

A-Gon Deal Is Back On!

According to a "tweet" from SI's Jon Heyman, the deal is done again! There will be a press conference tomorrow. It's still unclear whether the extension is settled or not! What a roller coaster!