Unlike the perennially clogged highway spur north of Boston, the
Mike Lowell Connector between the player and the
fanbase has been a rousing success. As a 'throw-in' in the Beckett-
Hanley Ramirez trade during the infamous Gorilla Suit Interregnum, all Lowell did was become a World Series MVP. His slick fielding at the hot corner and his ability to deliver clutch hits (most of which I remember as ringing doubles), quickly made him one of the most popular players in a long time. Who can forget the "Sign Lowell" placards at the 2007 Rolling Rally? And who can forget this year's home run in his first at-bat back off the
DL? So, as the Red
Sox fete him on Saturday night, we should all be grateful that a classy, competent guy like Mike Lowell serendipitously fell into our laps. We will miss you, Mikey!