friendly members of Brookline's Parking Politburo are at it again. Not satisfied with their previous harassment of Red Sox fans at their pristine parking spots along Beacon Street, the New Five Year Plan is to slap a whopping $22 fee for on-street metered parking up until 10PM. Perhaps even more outrageous, there would also be a
four-hour limit on parking of any kind. So, you go to a Red Sox game, say at 6PM. You somehow find an empty meter a mile or so from the park, put in your $22 for four hours (God knows how that will work), then come back at 11PM to find a ticket for violating the 4-hour limit. What else can this be considered than rank discrimination against one class of motorists? Ah, but in the People's Republic of Brookline, that's just par for the course. Stay tuned for a renewed effort by FenwayNation to combat this.